
Meet the Industrial Motions Staff

Industrial Motions Inc. revolves around the expertise of Physical Therapist, Frank Murray and Certified Ergonomic Evaluator, Kristie Nelson.

Frank Murray - Brief Bio
Frank has over 12 years of experience helping corporations with their employee injury management. He specializes in risk assessment and helping companies isolate specific work risks for individual employees.

- B.S. Psychology - University of Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)
- M.S. Physical Therapy (honors) - Sacred Heart University (Fairfield CT)

Work Experience
- St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital (Newburgh, NY)
  Acute Care Physical Therapist: In-Patient and Out Patient Orthodpedics

- Raleigh Neurosurgical Clinic (Raleigh, NC)
  Out Patient Orthodpedic Therapist

Frank is a surfer in the summer and snowboards in the winter.
He plays the guitar (classic Rock) and thinks he is a golfer.

Frank A. Murray, Physical Therapist-Industrial Workplace Safety

Frank Murray
Physical Therapist
On-Site Industrial Workplace Safety
Licensed DSI Provider

Kristie Nelson, Physical Therapist Assistant-Workplace Ergonomic Evaluator

Kristie Nelson
Physical Therapist Asst.
Workplace Ergonomics

Industrial Motions
Apex, NC 27526

All Rights Reserved.

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Office Ergonomic Evaluations

Employee Injury Management - Charlotte NC
Workplace Injury Testing - Greensboro NC
Ergonomic Assessments - Winston-Salem
Workplace Ergonomic Assessment - Durham
Office Ergonomic Evaluation - Raleigh
Safe Lifting Techniques Raleigh NC
Safe Lifting Training Cary NC
Safe Lifting Training Greensboro NC
Employee Disability Awareness

Employee Disability Awareness - Raleigh NC
Office Stretching Exercises - Charlotte NC
Risk Identification - Greensboro NC
Physical Abilities Testing - Winston-Salem
Office Ergonomics - Durham-Chapel Hill
Workplace Ergonomic Evaluation - Charlotte
Safe Lifting Techniques Charlotte NC
Safe Lifting Training Wilmington NC
Safe Lifting Training Winston Salem NC
Employee Injury Intervention

Employee Injury Intervention - Raleigh NC
Workplace Risk Assessments - Charlotte NC
Office Stretching Exercises - Greensboro NC
Physical Injury Risk Testing - Winston-Salem
Office Ergonomics - Durham-Chapel Hill
Ergonomic Injury Evaluation - Greensboro NC
Safe Lifting Techniques Columbia SC
Safe Lifting Training Charleston SC
Employee Workplace Stretching

Employee Stretching Program - Raleigh NC
Office Stretching Exercises - Concord NC
Employee Stretching Exercises - Atlanta GA
Workplace Stretching Program - Richmond VA
Office Stretching Exercises - Pittsburg PA
Workplace Stretching Exercises - Asheville
Ergonomic Assessments - Atlanta
Office Ergonomic Assessments - Richmond